Planning an NJ Wedding During the Pandemic
The Coronavirus Pandemic can obviously make a big difference in how the wedding planning goes, and the situation is certainly not what you anticipated. Life goes on, however, and then the only thing to do is to plan ahead. Whether you want to get married at a church or at a hotel with the support of a New Jersey wedding planner, it is is really up to you and your budget. During this, you need to be sure that the wedding planner you have hired can handle all the details on time.

Michelle and John
Planning a Wedding During the Pandemic A general rule of thumb when it comes to wedding planning in New Jersey during the Coronavirus Pandemic is that you should make sure you have all the necessary information to conduct the eventual wedding you want. Does anyone in the wedding party have underlying conditions? Will they eventually be tested for the virus? These can be major steps on the way to a successful wedding.
It is important that you have current information about the local government and that you are updated with the latest information about the situation from the CDC as well as the World Health Organization (WHO). With the information that is available, you should be able to make a long-range plan for the wedding. You should contact the county health department to check if there are any precautions being offered for family members of the bridesmaids or groomsmen, once we get beyond the social distancing phase.

You Can Practice Social Distancing With a Large Venue
Your next step is to get an address of a doctor who is available as needed for the wedding party to consult if that becomes necessary. Once the preparation is complete, it is time to make a long term special order and get the official list of everyone who needs to be included. Finally, and most importantly, you can hire a wedding planner now. This can save you from a lot of headaches when it comes to the long term preparation for the wedding. Final Thoughts Michelle Perez of Knot Just Wedding Events practically grew up in the wedding planning and transportation industry. There is no better person to handle your needs than this highly experienced and empathetic person.
